PGY1 Program Requirements
Residency certificate will be issued upon successful
completion of the following activities:
Program Completion Requirements
Documentation of the program requirements must be uploaded to each resident's PharmAcademic portfolio by the first Friday of June. Also each resident must save all of their files in their folder within the PGY1 Residency Folder in the Google SHARED drive.
In addition to the requirements listed below, residents should upload to their PharmAcademic portfolio the following documents: topic discussion presentations, journal clubs, ID rounds presentations, presentation feedback forms, formal drug information question answers, each resident's PGY1 Residency Program Assessments MASTER Sheet, and any other finalized projects or rotation related documents.
Moreover, 80% of the 31 residency program objectives should be at the level of facilitation for a resident to graduate. The 9 direct patient care objectives must be marked facilitate by the end of the residency program twice in order to be marked achieved for residency (ACHR)
These direct patient care objectives are repeated 5 times within core learning experiences within the Ascension Sacred Heart PGY1 residency program and 6 times within the Studer Family Children’s Hospital PGY1 residency program.
Completion Requirements List
One Completed Research Project
- One Completed Research Project (Flip Project #1) plus a second Research Project Started (Flip Project #2)
One Quality Improvement Project
- One Performance Improvement Project
Research Project
- Project IRB approved or determined IRB exempt
- Manuscript Preparation. Final manuscript submission ready.
Conference Presentations
- ASHP Poster Submission and Presentation
- Florida Residency Conference Abstract Submission and Presentation
- Virtual Residency Conference Presentation to Ascension National
At Least One Medication Use Evaluation (MUE)
Education Programs
- Noon Conference #1
- Noon Conference #2 (ACPE)
- CE Presentation to the Pharmacy Staff
- At least 1 Journal Club
One Administrative Project in At Least One of These Categories
- Policy Review OR
- Financial/Cost Savings
Meets Total Hours Commitment
- Completed Twelve Months of Residency equaling 2080 Hours
Attend Health System Meetings
- Attend Two P&T Meetings
- Attend Two Antimicrobial Stewardship Meetings
- Attend Two Medication Safety Meetings
Volunteer Activities
- Activity #1
- Activity #2
Departmental Service Commitment (Staffing)
- Average 40 hours every 4 weeks or 60 hours every 6 weeks
Attend and Participate in State and National Conferences
- ASHP Midyear
- Florida Residency Conference for Ascension Sacred Heart PGY1 Residents
- OR
- PPA Conference for Studer Family Children’s Hospital PGY1 Residents
- ACLS (not for pediatric resident)
- Teaching Certificate
- CITI Training
- Chief Resident Month Attestation (see separate tab)
- Lead Chief Resident Wednesday Pharmacy Department Safety Huddles
ERS Documentation
- At Least Three Documented Adverse Events or Near Misses Documented Per Quarter (12 documented over 12 months)
Departmental Service Commitment –
average 40 hours every 4 weeks or 60 hours every 6 weeks
- The Adult residents will work 1/2 evening per week and every 3rd weekend to accommodate the required hours.
- The Pediatric resident will work every other weekend and 1 full evening shift per month to accommodate the required hours.