Community-Based Pharmacy Residency Program
Community-Based Pharmacy Residency Program Overview
Residency Approach
Purpose Statement
Program Site Description
About The Hospital
St. Vincent Hospitals and Health Services is a community teaching hospital with over 700 beds and is the largest healthcare facility within Ascension Health, the largest Catholic health system in the world. The hospital system is comprised of St. Vincent Indianapolis, Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St. Vincent and St. Vincent Women’s. St. Vincent Indianapolis serves as a tertiary referral center for a large network of Indiana St. Vincent Health hospitals. The hospital has an active Medical Education Department supporting medical residents and fellows in Cardiology, Family Practice, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatrics, Podiatry and Transitional/ Preliminary Medicine. The pharmacy department provides postgraduate training programs for pharmacists and maintains affiliations with Butler, Manchester and Purdue universities.
The St. Vincent Joshua Max Simon Primary Care Center is a medical residency training facility where physicians provide optimal outpatient care to more than 13,500 patients, accounting for more than 72,000 patient visits/year. Patient demographics are diverse and include the uninsured, underinsured and insured; English and non-English speaking individuals; literate and illiterate. The Primary Care Center is located on the St. Vincent Indianapolis campus.
Two St. Vincent outpatient pharmacies serve a broad patient population with a variety of healthcare needs. The St. Vincent Pharmacy is open to the public, serving both ambulatory patients and those being discharged from the hospital, as well as St. Vincent associates from across Indiana. The Primary Care Center Pharmacy offers pharmaceutical services to an underserved population, fulfilling the mission of St. Vincent to serve the poor and vulnerable. These services include utilizing 340b contracts, Dispensary of Hope resources, and facilitating manufacturer-based patient assistance programs.

Program At A Glance

Required Learning Experience Descriptions
Pharmacy Practice
Transitions of Care
Quality Management and Population Health
Medication Safety
Anticoagulation Management
Collaborative Drug Therapy Management (CDTM)
The CDTM learning experience is designed to provide the resident with foundational chronic disease management knowledge and entry level experience in providing care under a collaborative practice agreement in adult patients within the Primary Care Center. Diseases managed include asthma, COPD, diabetes/pre-diabetes, heart failure, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, weight loss and tobacco cessation. Residents will assess patients through interviews, and intervene with appropriate education and medication adjustments. Residents will also gain experience helping patients overcome barriers to care, such as working with drug formularies, developing appropriate education based on health literacy, and utilizing interpreter services.
Longitudinal Experiences
- The resident will be required to participate in a teaching certificate program offered through Butler and Purdue
universities. - The resident will precept APPE students throughout the year in a variety of settings:
- Pharmacy Practice: the resident will act as primary preceptor during at least two APPE rotation months.
- Medication Safety
- Pharmacy Practice
- The resident will be required to participate in health education including:
- Two 45 minute Outpatient Grand Rounds presentations to the statewide outpatient pharmacy team.
- Various other presentations such as patient cases, pharmacy technician education, and presentations to other members of the healthcare team, patients and caregivers.
Residency Project
Pharmacy Administration
The Pharmacy Administration experience provides residents with the opportunity to learn about the process of administering both dispensing and clinical pharmacy services. The resident will be involved in managing daily operations, evaluating the effectiveness of current processes, and designing long-term business development plans.
Service Commitment
Wellness and Resilience
Completing a pharmacy residency is an accomplishment. During this time, residents may feel an increased level of stress and pressure. To combat this, the residents participate in a 6 week mindfulness and stress-reduction course called Cultivating Reverence for Living. They are encouraged to set wellness goals throughout the year, and the residency team works with the residents on an ongoing basis to maintain well-being and resilience.

Current Residents
Katie Meadows, PharmD
Amanda Place, PharmD, BCACP
She then transitioned to co-owner and pharmacist of an independent pharmacy, before moving to the join the ambulatory care clinical team at St. Vincent in 2009. She is the residency program director for the Community-based (PGY-1) Pharmacy Residency Program and the Ambulatory Care (PGY-2) Pharmacy Residency Program at St. Vincent Indianapolis. Her areas of focus include medication safety, quality improvement, developing adherence, and transitions of care programs.
Wendy LeMasters, PharmD
Kameron Baker, PharmD, BCPS
is an Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacist. He received his Doctor of Pharmacy from Butler University. He went on to complete a PGY-1 residency at Franciscan Health Lafayette in Lafayette, Indiana and a PGY-2 residency in ambulatory care at Whiteriver Indian Hospital in Whiteriver, AZ. He is interested in chronic disease state management.
Brad Bentfield, PharmD
Services. Brad received his PharmD degree from Butler University in 2006. Brad’s previous experience was in community pharmacy. Brad’s current interests include anticoagulation, tobacco cessation and medication therapy management.
Olivia Craker, PharmD
Toni Eash, PharmD
Jeanna Kovalan, RPh
Emilie Mueller, PharmD
Jennifer Tobison, PharmD, BCPPS
Pharmacy (PGY-1) Residency Director
Pediatric Residency: St. Vincent Indianapolis
Pharmacy Residency: St. Vincent Indianapolis
Doctor of Pharmacy: Butler University
Kacey West, PharmD, BCACP, BCGP
Russell White, PharmD
Solid Organ Transplant/Immunology Residency: University of Tennessee
Doctor of Pharmacy: West Virginia University
Krista Wise-Wroblewski, PharmD
Deborah Zeitlin, PharmD
Is an Ambulatory Care Clinical Pharmacist and an Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice at Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. She received her Doctor of Pharmacy from Butler University. She went on to complete a PGY-1 residency at Medical College of Virginia Hospital in Richmond, Virginia and a PGY-2 residency in Ambulatory Care at University of Illinois at Chicago in Chicago, Illinois. Her interests include anticoagulation, chronic disease state management, self-care management, and academia. She enjoys working with learners in all settings.