Internal Medicine PGY-2 Pharmacy Residency
Ascension St. Vincent Indianapolis and Butler University
Welcome to the Ascension St. Vincent PGY2 IM program! We are excited to share our program with you as you are determining the next steps in your career. We hope that our program will match your desires and help you reach your professional goals. Please use this website to learn more about our program and what we have to offer. Please don't hesitate to contact the program director or current resident with questions.
The philosophy of the PGY-2 Internal Medicine Residency at Ascension St. Vincent and Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (COPHS) is to provide the resident with the opportunity to expand their knowledge and skills to provide comprehensive pharmaceutical care to internal medicine patients. This opportunity will be provided through active participation in evidence-based disease state management, patient/family and medical staff education, medication safety, outcomes-based research, and educational and scholarly activities. As a Butler University COPHS affiliated PGY2 program, didactic, small group and experiential teaching will be a part of the required experiences in addition to the multidisciplinary educational activities at Ascension St. Vincent. Experiences will provide the resident the ability to function independently as a specialist by conceptualizing, integrating, and transforming accumulated experience and knowledge into optimal drug therapy for patients. Upon completion of the PGY-2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency Program, the resident will be prepared to attain board certification and secure a hospital based internal medicine position and/or an academic position with a College of Pharmacy. -
Purpose Statement
PGY2 residency programs build upon Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) education and PGY1 pharmacy residency training to develop pharmacist practitioners with knowledge, skills, and abilities as defined in the educational competency areas, goals, and objectives for advanced practice areas. Residents who successfully complete PGY2 residency programs are prepared for advanced patient care or other specialized positions, and board certification in the advanced practice area, if available.

Ascension St. Vincent
Ascension St Vincent is a 500+ bed, level 1 trauma community teaching hospital that serves as a tertiary referral center for a large network of Ascension hospitals in Indiana. The hospital has an active Medical Education Department supporting medical residents and fellows in Cardiology, Family Medicine, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Pediatrics, Podiatry, and Transitional/Preliminary Medicine. The pharmacy department maintains affiliations with Butler, Manchester, and Purdue Universities. The internal medicine service is composed of hospitalist-based and traditional teaching teams, and the PGY2 Internal Medicine resident will work directly with the Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Transitional and Preliminary medical residents. Ascension St. Vincent Indianapolis is home to many subspecialties including cardiology, nephrology, gastroenterology, and neurology and the internal medicine service serves as the primary admitting team for many of these patients.

Butler University

Current Resident
Julia Junker, PharmD is the current PGY2 resident in Internal Medicine pharmacy and Academia with Ascension St. Vincent and Butler University. She is from Clinton, Indiana, received her PharmD from Butler University in 2023, and recently completed her PGY1 residency at Ascension St. Vincent this June. Julia's current practice areas of interest include internal medicine, infectious diseases, endocrinology, and geriatrics. Upon completion of her PGY2, Julia's goal is to obtain a co-funded position as an internal medicine specialist and faculty member at a college of pharmacy. In her free time, she enjoys going to concerts, exploring the city and new restaurants, and spending time with family and friends.
Past Residents: Where are they now?
2023-2024: Tyler Kennedy, PharmD received a Doctor of Pharmacy from Butler University in 2022. He completed his PGY-1 pharmacy practice residency from Ascension St. Vincent Indianapolis in 2021. Since graduation, Tyler is working as a Maternal-Fetal Medicine Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, MO.
2022-2023: Ashly Schuyler, PharmD, BCPS received a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry at Indianapolis University Purdue University of Indianapolis in 2010. She then completed her Doctor of Pharmacy at Lipscomb University College of Pharmacy in Nashville, Tennessee followed by a PGY1 residency at Cookeville Regional Medical Center in Cookeville, Tennessee. After the completion of the program, Ashly obtained a position as a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in Internal Medicine at Indiana University Health Adult Academic Health Center in Indianapolis, IN.
2021-2022: Kayla Effinger, PharmD received her bachelor's of science in biology from Bowling Green State University and Doctor of Pharmacy from The Ohio State University in 2020. She completed her PGY-1 pharmacy practice residency at Franciscan Health in Indianapolis in 2021. Kayla is currently an Internal Medicine Clinical Pharmacy Specialist at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center in Cincinnati, OH.
Sara Barnstable, PharmD, BCPS, BCIDP (Infectious Diseases)
Sarah Marett, PharmD, BCCCP (Emergency Department)
Madeline Mitchell, PharmD, BCPS (Internal Medicine)
Zach Moon, PharmD, BCPS (Internal Medicine)
Marissa Nelson, PharmD, MS, BCPS (Staffing)
Amanda Place, PharmD, BCACP (Ambulatory Care)
Darin Ramsey, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP (Academic Administration)
Lindsay Saum, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP (Internal Medicine)
Kristine Swank, PharmD, BCPS, BCCCP (Critical Care- MICU)
Alison Walton, PharmD, BCPS (Academia)
Required Learning Experience Descriptions
Internal Medicine
The Internal Medicine Rotations are designed to provide the resident with the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills about the clinical course, manifestations and therapy of core disease states through direct instruction, observation and modeling by the preceptor. The rotation allows some flexibility in focused topics to meet the interests of the resident. Residents will have the opportunity to apply this knowledge through active participation in the multidisciplinary team and focused projects relating to internal medicine with coaching and facilitation occurring by the preceptor. The Adult Inpatient Medicine Service (AIMS) consists of 8 traditional teaching teams and 12 hospitalist based accountable care units throughout the progressive and medical/surgical units. During these rotations, the resident will participate in rounds with the traditional teaching teams that are comprised of an attending physician, 3 medical residents and medical students. During some of the internal medicine rotations, the resident will serve as the primary preceptor for APPE students from Butler University. This experience is designed to provide the resident with the experience of serving as the primary preceptor including creation of rotation materials, implementing rotation plan and giving feedback. The rotation will focus on academia and precepting topics, yet allow some flexibility to meet the interests of needs of the resident
Infectious Diseases
This Infectious Diseases / Antimicrobial Stewardship rotation is designed to provide the resident with the opportunity to enhance their knowledge in the topics of microbiology, infectious disease states and their appropriate antimicrobial therapies, and strategies of promoting antimicrobial stewardship. The resident will have the chance to apply this knowledge after modeling by the preceptor by answering clinical questions from fellow providers and pharmacists and making direct recommendations to providers to optimize patient care. During this rotation, the resident will have the opportunity to co-precept a PGY1 resident or APPE students.
Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)
The MICU rotation is designed to provide the resident with the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills about the clinical course, manifestations and therapy of common critical care disease states through direct instruction, observation and modeling by the preceptor. Residents will have the opportunity to apply this knowledge through active participation in the multidisciplinary team and focused projects relating to critical care with coaching and facilitation occurring by the preceptor.
Academic Administration
The Academic Administration rotation is conducted at Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. This required rotation will provide the resident with the knowledge and skills necessary to function in an academic setting. This four week rotation experience for the pharmacy resident provides general exposure and a fundamental introduction to academic pharmacy and academic pharmacy administration. The resident may participate in various academic functions on Butler University’s campus throughout the rotation.
Longitudinal Learning Experience Descriptions
Longitudinal Clinic
The Internal Medicine (IM) clinic experience takes place in the Ascension St. Vincent Joshua Max Simon Primary Care Center. This clinic is designed to provide primary care to uninsured, underinsured, and underserved patient populations from diverse socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds. IM clinic includes patients 18 years and older, many with multiple chronic conditions that have gone untreated or undertreated due to lack of healthcare access for some time. In addition, this clinic serves as the outpatient clinic training site for medical residents completing post-graduate training in Internal Medicine. The clinic is made up of the practices of both resident and faculty physicians, with faculty physicians also providing oversight for the resident physicians while they practice. Because of the diversity in patient populations and disease states seen in the IM clinic, it is anticipated that the resident will have the opportunity to participate in the care of patients with therapeutic concerns from many topic areas.
This learning experience will take place at Ascension St. Vincent and Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. This experience is designed to allow the resident to gain experience in participating in, designing, and providing a variety of education to a wide range of learners (including but not limited to pharmacy and physician assistant students, PGY1 pharmacy residents, medical residents, and multidisciplinary team members). As a Butler University Affiliated Residency, the resident will participate in the Butler University Longitudinal Academic Experiential Program for Residents (LAEP) and the Academic Leadership Certificate Program.
Practice Management
The Practice Management rotation will allow the resident to gain experience on committee work associated with Ascension St. Vincent or Ascension Health. The resident will work as part of a multidisciplinary committee with members from the pharmacy department, physician leadership, nursing leadership, and dietary leadership among others, whose functions include but are not limited to reviewing policies and procedures, management and implementation of various Ascension Health therapeutic initiatives, and formulary reviews. The resident will complete a medication use evaluation. drug class review/monograph and protocol based on the facility needs. Lastly, as part of the practice management rotation, the resident will participate in the maintenance of the Internal Medicine Pharmacotherapy Website, a resource for the Internal Medicine providers across Ascension Indiana.
Residency Project
The IM Resident will conduct a project pertaining to internal medicine pharmacy practice. The residency program utilizes a flipped project style where the outgoing PGY-2 IM will start a project in the second half of their residency year to be finished by the incoming PGY-2 IM resident during the first 6 months of their residency. The new resident will then develop their own project and topic to start in the second half of their year that will be passed along to the next resident.