Our Mission

The Continuing Medical Education Program at St. Vincent Hospital mission is to:
  • Enhance the delivery of quality patient care by providing CME on the latest developments in medical knowledge and technology.
  • Develop CME activities that address opportunities for improvements in patient care and physician performance and competence.


  • The primary target audience for the St. Vincent Hospital program of continuing medical education is the medical staff of St. Vincent Hospital.
  • Continuing Medical Education courses and conferences for physicians in Indiana in the specialties of primary care and selected medical subspecialties.


  • Regularly Scheduled Series (RSS) CME activities provided through clinical departments and sections to meet the identified needs of the respective physicians and consist primarily of lectures, care presentations and small group discussions.
  • Courses and conference to address the education needs and interest of primary care and physician specialist in Indiana and consist primarily of lectures, case presentations and small group discussions.


  • Enhancement of the quality of patient care.
  • Physician informed of state of the art medical knowledge and technology.

>> St. Vincent Hospital Mission Statement