Application Process

CME is designed to be education and unbiased learning for physicians. Make sure your application reflects the ACCME criteria for learning.

Attached, please find the information you will need to apply for your CME activity. The following is a list of directions to help assist you in completing your application:

>> Directions

Complete & Email Back To Jlmikosz@Ascension.Org

  1. Application   LIVE    RSS   Note: The Course Director must be a physician.
  2. Disclosure Form. For completion by all on the planning committee.

>> Disclosure Form


  1. CME Office will review the disclosure and determine the necessary steps to ensure there is no conflict.
  2. Your speaker/presenter must provide the slide set by the agreed upon date prior to the activity for review.
  3. Please note that a false disclosure or failure to resolve Conflicts of Interest will result in replacement of speaker, removal of speaker, or denial of CME credit.


If a conference has no speaker (ex: Case Review Activity), then all physicians active in the activity must have a disclosure on file with the CME office. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Jane Mikosz at 317-338-3460.